I finished sleying the reed! That means I get to move on to dressing all of those heddles.
For this project I need 270 heddles on the first shaft, and only 30 on the eighth shaft. But as my loom was set up this morning I had the heddles evenly distributed across all the shafts (about 100 on each). So I had to remove each of the shafts one by one so that I could steal heddles from the back and add them to the front.
I really need to find a stool that is just the right height for working at the back of my loom. I'm always either too high up and therefore slumped over for hours, or too low to the ground and therefore working with my arms in the air for hours.
I spent yesterday and today gardening and weaving, which is really fun but also very hard on my back. If I plan to keep both of these activities going, I think I also need to take up yoga.
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