Whoa, July?
July really flew by! My last day at my job is August 8th, so I have been absolutely consumed by work. But my successor is starting today, so I am getting close to free time!!
In addition to letting work run my life, I haven't been spending any time at home on my days off!
A couple weeks ago we had the very awesome 2nd Annual Vineyard Campout, which is a gathering to which all the people I love are invited to sleep on my parent's Vineyard:
Check out that view! And that fire!
Beth is a small person, but surprisingly capable at swinging an axe!
And then this past weekend, Gus and I decided to camp at the Coast - because it has been far too hot to sleep in the city of Portland!
In addition to all of those adventures, my brother and sister-in-law are expecting a baby any moment now! Luckily, my brother is the kind of nerd who would "tweet" the entire event, so I am following every detail on the edge on my seat. I'm going to have a niece!
Despite the fact that it is unbearably hot in my weaving room, I did spend most of yesterday morning making some progress. I would say that it is all warped on, but after doing a tiny bit of sampling I've decided that my epi is way off (ends per inch), I'm going to attempt to bring the ends back through the reed and make the entire thing more dense - moving from 20 epi to 30 epi. Of course, it will end up being thinner, so then I might add another block or two to the pattern. Here is the current state of the table runner:
Oh and Gus has a job interview on Friday morning! Send good thoughts and feelings his way!
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